Top of The Rock

Top of The Rock
I am beyond excited to be back in New York again! The last time I was here, it was only for four days. This time around it's 2 weeks! I can't wait to explore you again New York, this time with my travel buddy Asma'

Travel {Photos} : NYC Part 2

This is a series of some of my favourite pictures from my NYC trip last year, the last batch of pictures from my U.S trip. It took me a year to complete these posts. 

Tsk tsk. Procrastination at it's best.

Looking back all these pictures make me wanna travel again. Not for a short trip but for a month long travelling trip. If only I still have the luxury to do so.

At the mean time, enjoy these photos! :)

View of the concrete jungle from the Empire State Building

What's left of the WTC

Yummy sushi at Iroha, Times Square

Special Jap fried rice at at Iroha, Times Square

Me at a nearby Thai cafe

That's not my strawberry frap

On the way to Brooklyn Bridge on a tour bus

At M&M world

Random wall art of a local cafe

Pancakes and orange juice - our staple breakfast almost everyday

When you see a needle and a button in the middle of nowhere, you know you're in Fashion Avenue.

Not an ice-cream truck.

Bagel here was ah-ma-zing

Vintage AA poster, gotta love it!

At Fao Schwarz, the best toy store in the world

The famous iron like building

More travel pictures to come! :)