What I Wore: Classic Red

What I Wore:

Hat-Asos, Top - Farah Khan RTW, Jeans - Topshop, Bag- Chanel, Shoes - Kiss & Tell (FashionValet), Sunglasses - Sportsgirl 

I wore this outfit for coffee with my friend, Asma' during my very short trip back to Kuala Lumpur. Whenever we see each other, we have the urge to pick up the camera and just shoot. It can be anything as long as we are shooting together. I'm so glad we share this passion of ours. So we passed by this beautiful bougainvillea tree nearby her housing area and couldn't help but take a few snaps. It's not easy having my usual go to photographer living in another country. We no longer have the luxury of just driving to each other or schedule a shoot whenever we want to. This time around, we have to take flights to see each other! 

Photos by asmanasa.com