Bits & Pieces of NYC

Lately I've seen lots of travel pictures from my friends on Facebook. Especially the ones in New York City. This made me think of my time in NYC with J. It was the highlight of our 2 weeks trip around this time last year.

I miss the bright lights at Times Square.

I miss the beautifully lit backyard of our hotel.

I miss shopping at H&M.

I miss looking at the Statue of Liberty.

I miss the Empire State Building.

I miss this view of New York City.

I miss this view too.

I miss 'us' in NYC.

Hmm, yeah I really do miss the backyard of our NYC hotel!

I miss this food stand just a street away from our hotel.

I miss Chicken on Rice from the above food stand! I am salivating just looking at this pic.

I miss touring on a bus and taking random pictures of buildings around New York.

I miss this awesome smelling soap shop down in Soho.

I miss this crispy bagel with cream cheese at a cafe nearby our hotel.

I miss taking pictures with random-half-naked-men-with-awesome-abs outside of Hollister.

Okay I think by now you can tell how much I miss NYC!

I love the city! This picture below taken at MoMA says it all!

I really do miss travelling in general. If I had another opportunity to go back to New York, I would jump on the next plane and fly away! :)