Travel {Photos} : NYC - MoMA

MoMa: The Museum of the Modern Art

11 West 53rd Street  New York,

NY 10019, United States

I love visiting museums, especially the ones in the States. Almost every museum they have is huge in size!!

The other museum I visited, when I was there was

The Field Museum

in Chicago. That museum was all about history. 

MoMA, however, is all artsy fartsy. 

Something different from the usual museums that I've visited. 

We had two museums in mind, MoMA and The Metropolitan Museum of Art where the Alexander McQueen exhibition was held. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough time for 2 museums. So just MoMA will do.

This museum is so popular, there is a queue to buy tickets and also for the cloaks room. They are very strict with bags, so if you want to save time and not queue up for the cloaks room, bring a smaller bag. Handbags are okay but backpacks are strictly not allowed.

When we were there, it was pretty crowded so we only spent around an hour or two there.

Here are some pictures of MoMA:

My favourite 'Art' is this one right here.

Free flow of candies wrapped in red, blue and silver.

There were some artistic films being shown in a few different rooms but cameras were strictly not allowed.

All in all, it was a great experience.

I didn't get some of the art work there, but I guess that's how art works. Each individual interpret it differently as none of us are exactly the same.

Have you been to an art museum before?