Her Fashion Box

If you, like me, love surprises that is wrapped up in a pretty little box, you will love

Her Fashion Box


From AUD24.95 per month, you will receive a beauty & fashion pack from 

Her Fashion Box

 once a month in your mailbox. The idea of Her Fashion Box is to give women a monthly fashion & beauty fix straight to their doorstep. Her Fashion Box contains the latest beauty products samples for you to try before going out to buy the real deal.

All you have to do is become a member, pick the box you prefer, choose either the classic, feminine or trendy style and receive a

Her Fashion Box

 once a month and enjoy sampling the products!

Now, let's see what I got in my August Her Fashion Box.

I love how Kerry added a personal note to my box. I actually know Kerry, one of Her Fashion Box's co-founders, way back when I was an intern. Fast track a few years here she is with her own business. I've always loved seeing young entrepreneurs' idea become a reality, even more so when they are successful in executing it!

I can't wait to try these goodies out! First one would be the lovely leopard print scarf and the L'Oreal mythic oil.

You can find Her Fashion Box below:






Please do visit their YouTube channel to watch the interview of some of Australian's young influencers. Trust me, it's inspirational. :)